What do u do when u feel very much depressed??
Losing ur interests to do day-to-day routine activities and jus feel a vacuum or black-hole within u...??
Magazines and various websites are very generous in offering tonnes of tips to overcome depression.Go for a walk,change ur daily route which u take to reach office,chat with a trusted good-old frnd,try making a new recipe(but hw to manage d depression after tasting the same?..No tips being offered:(,hear music of ur choice and the list goes on and on...
TV channels too boast upon the same with an expert saying some stories n ending up with a moral,or a white-coat(or with green-gown so as to show a picture that the doc has come all the way after a operation) uncle appears in his hospital cubicle,terrifying u with the side effects when depression occurs...
Ok u try out all the above told remedies,but still u feel very irritated and frustrated to even move a pencil from a desk- What do u do when u feel very much depressed?!!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Friday, November 2, 2007
When a favourite person of yours describes or shares his own likes and dislikes to u,its a normal human tendency to develop a similar kind of impression upon that matter.This happens in many a case...Though a matured mind doesn't appreciate and believe the words of fury spoken by a person close to the heart,when in despair.But when it comes to 'likes' we tend to develop a similar tase towards that matter/person being discussed with lots of ecstacy!I cannot speak in general..To me itz like that.(mostly in the matter of 'likes' though)
My fav author in tamil - SUJATHA!The craze which started with short stories,developed into a great passion for all his works!To me a fav author is the one,who always(mostly) sounds sensible in whatever form his works are(short stories,novels dealing with history-fiction- real n reel lives,essays n any form of article)I cannot entertain myself with a essay/article written by Kalki though am a greatest fan of his novels! But when it comes to Mr.Rangarajan(Sujatha),same feel n enthu with which I start the book,remains untill the end.Though I am not a voracious reader,I 've familiarity with literary works of many famous writers in tamilzh.
Currently reading writer's 'Innum sila sindhanaigal'.Have already came across references about Puthumaipithan's short stories, by Sujatha..But couldn't find a chance to read 'em.Puthumaippiththan, (1906-1948), was a journalist by profession who is told to have created a new era in tamilzh literature popularising the concept of short stories.Sujatha has written that Puthumaippiththan had been a great inspiration to many a writers including him.So coming to know the matter that my fav author himself has been impressed by a writer,couldn't control my curiosity to look out for Puthumaippiththan's works!
Couldn't beleive that a person during the period of 1900s could have written such short stories - filled with sensible humour sense and precise description about the story ground!Short story is a risky concept of writing- within the limit,the author needs to reveal his mastery and get a notable recognition from the reader in those limited number of words.The way the stories are ended reminds me of Jayakandhan's works.
Of all the stories I loved this one mentioned in the link!
Have a look - http://www.tamilnation.org/literature/modernwriters/puthumaipithan/kadavulum.htm
For people who are getting to read short stories for the first time,better luck nexttime:)For this is not the story of "and happily lived thereafter" types.Will be great if u could enjoy the humour sense and the dialogue delivery.
My fav author in tamil - SUJATHA!The craze which started with short stories,developed into a great passion for all his works!To me a fav author is the one,who always(mostly) sounds sensible in whatever form his works are(short stories,novels dealing with history-fiction- real n reel lives,essays n any form of article)I cannot entertain myself with a essay/article written by Kalki though am a greatest fan of his novels! But when it comes to Mr.Rangarajan(Sujatha),same feel n enthu with which I start the book,remains untill the end.Though I am not a voracious reader,I 've familiarity with literary works of many famous writers in tamilzh.
Currently reading writer's 'Innum sila sindhanaigal'.Have already came across references about Puthumaipithan's short stories, by Sujatha..But couldn't find a chance to read 'em.Puthumaippiththan, (1906-1948), was a journalist by profession who is told to have created a new era in tamilzh literature popularising the concept of short stories.Sujatha has written that Puthumaippiththan had been a great inspiration to many a writers including him.So coming to know the matter that my fav author himself has been impressed by a writer,couldn't control my curiosity to look out for Puthumaippiththan's works!
Couldn't beleive that a person during the period of 1900s could have written such short stories - filled with sensible humour sense and precise description about the story ground!Short story is a risky concept of writing- within the limit,the author needs to reveal his mastery and get a notable recognition from the reader in those limited number of words.The way the stories are ended reminds me of Jayakandhan's works.
Of all the stories I loved this one mentioned in the link!
Have a look - http://www.tamilnation.org/literature/modernwriters/puthumaipithan/kadavulum.htm
For people who are getting to read short stories for the first time,better luck nexttime:)For this is not the story of "and happily lived thereafter" types.Will be great if u could enjoy the humour sense and the dialogue delivery.
Chennai pattanam
During my school days at tirunelveli,had come on a school-excursion to chennai!HehheeeeIt was a procedure at my school to take 10th std students on a pilgrimage tour(to score more in public exam;-)).I was in my
9th std.Luckily 9th std students too joined that tour.Covered temples like pillayarpatti,thiruthani,tirupathi n temples in n around kanchipuram.Though the notion of the trip was aimed at making the students 'bhakthimaan',we couldn't co-operate fully to achieve that 100% bhakthi...on the 3rd day of our tour,we halted at singaara chennai.
Don worry...Am not going to narrate the tour incidents...Rather I'ld like to mention about a few places in chennai,which wouldn't have been covered by most of the residents of chennai city.When u think of chennai,for people who don have sea-shore in their native,Marina beach will be the first sight to flash in
mind..followed by theatres,TNagar shopping crowd,temples and even the sweaty-sticky weather!
Here we go..I am listing out some of the rarely visited places in chn..Jus rewind ur memory n think whether u have been to these places(U mite have just crossed these places daily by bus)
Birla Planetorium @ kotturpuram:
First thing u 'ld spot is an aircraft which for sure would not at all take-off by anymeans.The planetorium hall is quite big enough to accomodate a larger crowd.Roof ceiling would be dome-shaped,covered with a white
screen upon which a projector would throw light to show us the various celestial phenomena.The seats are not like the ones
put in cinema halls.We can literally bend it back like in airbus n view the screen.For ppl,who are much interested in
lectures upon astronomy,the show 'ld really be a great experience.
--Don enter the hall after roaming out in hot sun!2 of my frnds ended up in snoring and even after the lights were switched ON,they were still in that airbus travelling mode...snoring aloud.
--Don ever take a person along with u who is mad about astronomy and those celestial bodies!
Tharamani FilmCity:
I dont've much to say about this place..Most of the Tamil movies(esp d ones with the story revolving aound ppl living in a colony/Lovers or beggars at a temple/gallery in sports ground)will surely consist of a scene being shot here.Esp low budget movies.Here u can see temple gopuram without any idol inside and a street fulla houses with jus the outer frame, depicting the philosophy of "maaya maaya maaya elaam maaya"!
Theosophical Society:
This is a great place indeed!!!Untill u get a sight of the broken bridge(again a common sp
ot in Tamil films,where hero n villain meet) upon the koovam river,a sight from the theo. society,u will not at all feel like standing in a place within chennai limits.India's 2nd largest Banyan Tree is situated here.Since it was a trip organised by our school,we could get permission to enter the premises.That day,I could jus recollect one line from my history book...Annie Besant was the founder of that society.
We could spot rare species among the fauna n flora within that campus.Such a place with serenity and it could be the one and only peaceful site located in the heart of the city!Could also spot some of aged ppl from other countries who had donated their property towards the society welfare and settled in that place...
Am attaching a few pics taken from other websites

Has been a longtime I have been there(10 yrs)...Planning to visit the same this weekend,keeping aside all the official and personal woes!Will post more snaps if possible
9th std.Luckily 9th std students too joined that tour.Covered temples like pillayarpatti,thiruthani,tirupathi n temples in n around kanchipuram.Though the notion of the trip was aimed at making the students 'bhakthimaan',we couldn't co-operate fully to achieve that 100% bhakthi...on the 3rd day of our tour,we halted at singaara chennai.
Don worry...Am not going to narrate the tour incidents...Rather I'ld like to mention about a few places in chennai,which wouldn't have been covered by most of the residents of chennai city.When u think of chennai,for people who don have sea-shore in their native,Marina beach will be the first sight to flash in
mind..followed by theatres,TNagar shopping crowd,temples and even the sweaty-sticky weather!
Here we go..I am listing out some of the rarely visited places in chn..Jus rewind ur memory n think whether u have been to these places(U mite have just crossed these places daily by bus)
Birla Planetorium @ kotturpuram:
First thing u 'ld spot is an aircraft which for sure would not at all take-off by anymeans.The planetorium hall is quite big enough to accomodate a larger crowd.Roof ceiling would be dome-shaped,covered with a white
screen upon which a projector would throw light to show us the various celestial phenomena.The seats are not like the ones
put in cinema halls.We can literally bend it back like in airbus n view the screen.For ppl,who are much interested in
lectures upon astronomy,the show 'ld really be a great experience.
--Don enter the hall after roaming out in hot sun!2 of my frnds ended up in snoring and even after the lights were switched ON,they were still in that airbus travelling mode...snoring aloud.
--Don ever take a person along with u who is mad about astronomy and those celestial bodies!
Tharamani FilmCity:
I dont've much to say about this place..Most of the Tamil movies(esp d ones with the story revolving aound ppl living in a colony/Lovers or beggars at a temple/gallery in sports ground)will surely consist of a scene being shot here.Esp low budget movies.Here u can see temple gopuram without any idol inside and a street fulla houses with jus the outer frame, depicting the philosophy of "maaya maaya maaya elaam maaya"!
Theosophical Society:
This is a great place indeed!!!Untill u get a sight of the broken bridge(again a common sp

We could spot rare species among the fauna n flora within that campus.Such a place with serenity and it could be the one and only peaceful site located in the heart of the city!Could also spot some of aged ppl from other countries who had donated their property towards the society welfare and settled in that place...

Am attaching a few pics taken from other websites

Has been a longtime I have been there(10 yrs)...Planning to visit the same this weekend,keeping aside all the official and personal woes!Will post more snaps if possible
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Hi frnds!
At last..have created my own blog...Heard n read from sources that a person in IT field existing without a blog site cannot be treated as a normal janthu!This would have been ascertained from the fact that any person in IT field will always enjoy a golden period in his (let me jus use 'his' in general..feeling lazy to use his/her) carrier called BENCH period...roadside petty shops,esp tea-shops started this BENCH culture...You can see a standard group of jobless ppl sitting on those BENCHES n sipping a single glass of tea for hrs together...Range of topics would almost cover anything n everything going aorund us.At office the same trend(more or less) is being followed..Exceptional cases 'ld always be there..who spend time at office libraries(!).During such a period,I am starting this blogspot.
In Day-to-day life we come across many happenings...During school-college days,we 'ld have discussed 'em with frnds n siblings(huh?).Nowadays,it is not possible to that extent.With tonnes of excitement u call ur frnd,who might be
--damn busy attending a onsite call
--Busyo busy in making a code delivery
--sleeping after working at office for > 15 hrs
--team meetings (Frnd mite attend ur call n even praise u for saving her from such a crisis - meant the boring team meetings)
Certain things when not shared at that moment will not carry the same momentum of excitement when u express it later..
So that was the moral of the story in me ending up in writing a blog!
reason behind
'url' naamakaranam:cinemakaaramkaapi - Thot I 'ld discuss about anything(title suttadhu - from a magazine)
blog titile - Tirunelveli Halwa Da - this was also a mandatory field to create the blog..Being a native from the great TIRUNELVELI,thot of using it...
So thts it for now! C ya in next blog!
At last..have created my own blog...Heard n read from sources that a person in IT field existing without a blog site cannot be treated as a normal janthu!This would have been ascertained from the fact that any person in IT field will always enjoy a golden period in his (let me jus use 'his' in general..feeling lazy to use his/her) carrier called BENCH period...roadside petty shops,esp tea-shops started this BENCH culture...You can see a standard group of jobless ppl sitting on those BENCHES n sipping a single glass of tea for hrs together...Range of topics would almost cover anything n everything going aorund us.At office the same trend(more or less) is being followed..Exceptional cases 'ld always be there..who spend time at office libraries(!).During such a period,I am starting this blogspot.
In Day-to-day life we come across many happenings...During school-college days,we 'ld have discussed 'em with frnds n siblings(huh?).Nowadays,it is not possible to that extent.With tonnes of excitement u call ur frnd,who might be
--damn busy attending a onsite call
--Busyo busy in making a code delivery
--sleeping after working at office for > 15 hrs
--team meetings (Frnd mite attend ur call n even praise u for saving her from such a crisis - meant the boring team meetings)
Certain things when not shared at that moment will not carry the same momentum of excitement when u express it later..
So that was the moral of the story in me ending up in writing a blog!
reason behind
'url' naamakaranam:cinemakaaramkaapi - Thot I 'ld discuss about anything(title suttadhu - from a magazine)
blog titile - Tirunelveli Halwa Da - this was also a mandatory field to create the blog..Being a native from the great TIRUNELVELI,thot of using it...
So thts it for now! C ya in next blog!
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